- Richtlinie Machinen
- Geschichte der Maschinenrichtlinie 2006/42/EG
- Richtlinie Maschinen 2006/42/EG
- Erwägung Richtlinie 2006/42/EG
- Artikel Richtlinie Maschinen 2006/42/EG
- Artikel 1 Richtlinie Maschinen 2006/42/EG : Anwendungsbereich
- Artikel 2 Richtlinie Maschinen 2006/42/EG : Begriffsbestimmungen
- Artikel 3 Richtlinie Maschinen 2006/42/EG : Spezielle Richtlinien
- Artikel 4 Richtlinie Maschinen 2006/42/EG : Marktaufsicht
- Artikel 5 Richtlinie Maschinen 2006/42/EG : Inverkehrbringen und Inbetriebnahme
- Artikel 6 Richtlinie Maschinen 2006/42/EG : Freier Warenverkehr
- Artikel 7 Richtlinie Maschinen 2006/42/EG : Konformitätsvermutung und harmonisierte Normen
- Artikel 8 Richtlinie Maschinen 2006/42/EG : Spezifische Maßnahmen
- Artikel 9 Richtlinie Maschinen 2006/42/EG : Besondere Maßnahmen für Maschinen mit besonderem Gefahrenpotenzial
- Artikel 10 Richtlinie Maschinen 2006/42/EG : Anfechtung einer harmonisierten Norm
- Artikel 11 Richtlinie Maschinen 2006/42/EG : Schutzklausel
- Artikel 12 Richtlinie Maschinen 2006/42/EG : Konformitätsbewertungsverfahren für Maschinen
- Artikel 13 Richtlinie Maschinen 2006/42/EG : Verfahren für unvollständige Maschinen
- Artikel 14 Richtlinie Maschinen 2006/42/EG : Benannte Stellen
- Artikel 15 Richtlinie Maschinen 2006/42/EG : Installation und Verwendung der Maschinen
- Artikel 16 Richtlinie Maschinen 2006/42/EG : CE-Kennzeichnung
- Artikel 17 Richtlinie Maschinen 2006/42/EG : Nicht vorschriftsmäßige Kennzeichnung
- Artikel 18 Richtlinie Maschinen 2006/42/EG : Geheimhaltung
- Artikel 19 Richtlinie Maschinen 2006/42/EG : Zusammenarbeit der Mitgliedstaaten
- Artikel 20 Richtlinie Maschinen 2006/42/EG : Rechtsbehelfe
- Artikel 21 Richtlinie Maschinen 2006/42/EG : Verbreitung von Informationen
- Artikel 22 Richtlinie Maschinen 2006/42/EG : Ausschuss
- Artikel 23 Richtlinie Maschinen 2006/42/EG : Sanktionen
- Artikel 24 Richtlinie Maschinen 2006/42/EG : Änderung der Richtlinie 95/16/EG
- Artikel 25 Richtlinie Maschinen 2006/42/EG : Aufgehobene Rechtsvorschriften
- Artikel 26 Richtlinie Maschinen 2006/42/EG : Umsetzung
- Artikel 27 Richtlinie Maschinen 2006/42/EG : Ausnahmen
- Artikel 28 Richtlinie Maschinen 2006/42/EG : Inkrafttreten
- Artikel 29 Richtlinie Maschinen 2006/42/EG : Adressaten
- Anhang I der Maschinenrichtlinie 2006/42/EG - Zusammenfassung
- Allgemeinen Grundsätzen des Anhang 1 der Maschinenrichtlinie 2006/42/EG
- 1 grundlegenden Gesundheits-und Sicherheitsanforderungen des Anhangs 1 - Definitionen - Maschinenrichtlinie 2006/42/EG
- Artikel 1.1.2. Grundsätze die Integration der Sicherheit in Anhang 1 Maschinenrichtlinie 2006/42/EG
- Artikel 1.1.3. Materialien und Produkte Anhang 1 Maschinenrichtlinie 2006/42/EG
- Artikel 1.1.4. Beleuchtung - Anhang 1 Maschinenrichtlinie 2006/42/EG
- Artikel 1.1.5. Konstruktion der Maschine im Hinblick auf die Handhabung - Anhang 1 Maschinenrichtlinie 2006/42/EG
- Artikel 1.7. INFORMATIONEN - Anhang 1 Maschinenrichtlinie 2006/42/EG
- 1.1.8. Sitze
- 1.2.1. Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit von Steuerungen
- 1.2.2. Stellteile
- 1.2.3. Ingangsetzen
- 1.2.4. Stillsetzen
- Gesamtheit von Maschinen
- Artikel 1.1.6. Ergonomie - Anhang 1 Maschinenrichtlinie 2006/42/EG
- Artikel 1.1.7. Bedienungsplätze : anhang-I Richtlinie Maschinen 2006/42/EG :
- 1.2.5. Wahl der Steuerungs- oder Betriebsarten
- ANHANG III Richtlinie 2006/42/EG - CE-Kennzeichnung
- ANHANG IV Richtlinie 2006/42/EG Maschinen - Kategorien von Maschinen
- ANHANG V Richtlinie 2006/42/EG Maschinen - Nicht erschöpfende Liste
- ANHANG VI Richtlinie 2006/42/EG - Montageanleitung für eine unvollständige Maschine
- ANHANG VII Richtlinie 2006/42/EG - Technische Unterlagen für Maschinen
- ANHANG VIII Richtlinie 2006/42/EG - Bewertung der Konformität mit interner Fertigungskontrolle bei der Herstellung von Maschinen
- ANHANG IX Richtlinie 2006/42/EG - EG-Baumusterprüfung
- ANHANG X Richtlinie 2006/42/EG - Umfassende Qualitätssicherung
- ANHANG XI Richtlinie 2006/42/EG - Von den Mitgliedstaaten zu berücksichtigende Mindestkriterien für die Benennung der Stellen
- Annex XII of machinery directive 2006/42/EC - Correlation table between machinery directive 2006/42/CE and MD 1998/37/CE
- Richtlinie Maschinen 98/37/EG
- Erwägung Richtlinie 1998/37/EG
- Artikel Richtlinie Maschinen 1998/37/EG
- ANHANG I Richtlinie 1998/37/EG
- ANHANG II Richtlinie 1998/37/EG
- ANHANG III Richtlinie 1998/37/EG
- ANHANG IV Richtlinie 1998/37/EG
- ANHANG V Richtlinie 1998/37/EG
- ANHANG VI Richtlinie 1998/37/EG
- ANHANG VII Richtlinie 1998/37/EG
- ANHANG VIII Richtlinie 1998/37/EG
- ANHANG IX Richtlinie 1998/37/EG
- Richtlinie Maschinen 89/392/EG
- Änderung der Richtlinie 89/392/EWG
- Wilkommen
- Willkommen auf der Webseite "Industry-Finder."
- ATEX-Richtlinien
- PSA-Richtlinie
- PSA Richtlinie 89/686/EWG - Erste Richtlinie
- Zweite Richtlinie 89/655/EWG - Benutzung von Arbeitsmitteln durch Arbeitnehmer
- Drittens PSA-Richtlinie - 89/656/EWG - Verwendung von persönlichen Schutzausrüstungen
- RICHTLINIE 95/63/EG zur Änderung der Richtlinie 89/655/EWG
- Richtlinie 2001/45/EG zur Änderung der Richtlinie 89/655/EWG
- Standardisierung und Europäische Verordnung
- Sicherheirt fur machinen : Normung und Europäische Verordnung
- Sicherheit von Ex, ATEX-und IECEx-Ausrüstungen: Standardisierung
- Sicherheit personnal Schutzausrüstung: Standardisierung und europäischen Vorschriften
- DIN EN ISO 14122-2 - Ortsfeste Zugänge zu maschinellen Anlagen
- Aktuelle nachrichten & Newsletter
- NEUE VERORDNUNG (EU) 2023/1230 über Maschinen
Standards für die Gestaltung von ATEX-und IECEx-Ausrüstung
Standards für die Gestaltung von ATEX-und IECEx-Ausrüstung
Die wichtigsten Normen für die Gestaltung von Anlagen in ATEX-und IECEx-Normen sind wie folgt:
Beachten Sie, dass die folgende Liste ist die neueste Ausgabe der harmonzed stanrads über ATEX-Richtlinie 94/9/EG, mit zusätzlich die Anwendbarkeit der zugehörige Norm für IECEX Zertifizierungssystem.
Reference and title of the harmonized standard in ATEX (and reference document) |
Applicability of the standard in IECEx certification scheme |
EN 1010-1:2004+A1:2010 Safety of machinery - Safety requirements for the design and construction of printing and paper converting machines - Part 1: Common requirements |
EN 1010-2:2006+A1:2010 Safety of machinery - Safety requirements for the design and construction of printing and paper converting machines - Part 2: Printing and varnishing machines including pre-press machinery |
EN 1127-1:2011 Explosive atmospheres - Explosion prevention and protection - Part 1: Basic concepts and methodology |
EN 1127-2:2002+A1:2008 Explosive atmospheres - Explosion prevention and protection - Part 2: Basic concepts and methodology for mining |
EN 1710:2005+A1:2008 Equipment and components intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres in underground mines |
EN 1710:2005+A1:2008/AC:2010 |
EN 1755:2000+A2:2013 Safety of industrial trucks - Operation in potentially explosive atmospheres - Use in flammable gas, vapour, mist and dust |
EN 1834-1:2000 Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Safety requirements for design and construction of engines for use in potentially explosive atmospheres - Part 1: Group II engines for use in flammable gas and vapour atmospheres |
EN 1834-2:2000 Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Safety requirements for design and construction of engines for use in potentially explosive atmospheres - Part 2: Group I engines for use in underground workings susceptible to firedamp and/or combustible dust |
EN 1834-3:2000 Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Safety requirements for design and construction of engines for use in potentially explosive atmospheres - Part 3: Group II engines for use in flammable dust atmospheres |
EN 1839:2012 Determination of explosion limits of gases and vapours |
EN 1953:2013 Atomising and spraying equipment for coating materials - Safety requirements |
EN 12581:2005+A1:2010 Coating plants - Machinery for dip coating and electrodeposition of organic liquid coating material - Safety requirements |
EN 12621:2006+A1:2010 Machinery for the supply and circulation of coating materials under pressure - Safety requirements |
EN 12757-1:2005+A1:2010 Mixing machinery for coating materials - Safety requirements - Part 1: Mixing machinery for use in vehicle refinishing |
EN 13012:2012 Petrol filling stations - Construction and performance of automatic nozzles for use on fuel dispensers |
EN 13160-1:2003 Leak detection systems - Part 1: General principles |
EN 13237:2012 Potentially explosive atmospheres - Terms and definitions for equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres |
EN 13463-1:2009 Non-electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres - Part 1: Basic method and requirements |
EN 13463-2:2004 Non-electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres - Part 2: Protection by flow restricting enclosure ‘fr’ |
EN 13463-3:2005 Non-electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres - Part 3: Protection by flameproof enclosure ‘d’ |
EN 13463-5:2011 Non-electrical equipment intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres - Part 5: Protection by constructional safety ‘c’ |
EN 13463-6:2005 Non-electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres - Part 6: Protection by control of ignition source ‘b’ |
EN 13463-8:2003 Non-electrical equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres - Part 8: Protection by liquid immersion ‘k’ |
EN 13616:2004 Overfill prevention devices for static tanks for liquid petroleum fuels |
EN 13616:2004/AC:2006 |
EN 13617-1:2012 Petrol filling stations - Part 1: Safety requirements for construction and performance of metering pumps, dispensers and remote pumping units |
EN 13617-2:2012 Petrol filling stations - Part 2: Safety requirements for construction and performance of safe breaks for use on metering pumps and dispensers |
EN 13617-3:2012 Petrol filling stations - Part 3: Safety requirements for construction and performance of shear valves |
EN 13617-4:2012 Petrol filling stations - Part 4: Safety requirements for construction and performance of swivels for use on metering pumps and dispensers |
EN 13760:2003 Automotive LPG filling system for light and heavy duty vehicles - Nozzle, test requirements and dimensions |
EN 13821:2002 Potentially explosive atmospheres - Explosion prevention and protection - Determination of minimum ignition energy of dust/air mixtures |
EN 13852-1:2013 Cranes - Offshore cranes - Part 1: General-purpose offshore cranes |
EN 14034-1:2004+A1:2011 Determination of explosion characteristics of dust clouds - Part 1: Determination of the maximum explosion pressure pmax of dust clouds |
EN 14034-2:2006+A1:2011 Determination of explosion characteristics of dust clouds - Part 2: Determination of the maximum rate of explosion pressure rise (dp/dt)max of dust clouds |
EN 14034-3:2006+A1:2011 Determination of explosion characteristics of dust clouds - Part 3: Determination of the lower explosion limit LEL of dust clouds |
EN 14034-4:2004+A1:2011 Determination of explosion characteristics of dust clouds - Part 4: Determination of the limiting oxygen concentration LOC of dust clouds |
EN 14373:2005 Explosion suppression systems |
EN 14460:2006 Explosion resistant equipment |
EN 14491:2012 Dust explosion venting protective systems |
EN 14492-1:2006+A1:2009 Cranes - Power driven winches and hoists - Part 1: Power driven winches |
EN 14492-1:2006+A1:2009/AC:2010 |
EN 14492-2:2006+A1:2009 Cranes - Power driven winches and hoists - Part 2: Power driven hoists |
EN 14492-2:2006+A1:2009/AC:2010 |
EN 14522:2005 Determination of the auto ignition temperature of gases and vapours |
EN 14591-1:2004 Explosion prevention and protection in underground mines - Protective systems - Part 1: 2-bar explosion proof ventilation structure |
EN 14591-1:2004/AC:2006 |
EN 14591-2:2007 Explosion prevention and protection in underground mines - Protective systems - Part 2: Passive water trough barriers |
EN 14591-2:2007/AC:2008 |
EN 14591-4:2007 Explosion prevention and protection in underground mines - Protective systems - Part 4: Automatic extinguishing systems for road headers |
EN 14591-4:2007/AC:2008 |
EN 14677:2008 Safety of machinery - Secondary steelmaking - Machinery and equipment for treatment of liquid steel |
EN 14678-1:2013 LPG equipment and accessories - Construction and performance of LPG equipment for automotive filling stations - Part 1: Dispensers |
EN 14681:2006+A1:2010 Safety of machinery - Safety requirements for machinery and equipment for production of steel by electric arc furnaces |
EN 14756:2006 Determination of the limiting oxygen concentration (LOC) for flammable gases and vapours |
EN 14797:2006 Explosion venting devices |
EN 14973:2006+A1:2008 Conveyor belts for use in underground installations - Electrical and flammability safety requirements |
EN 14983:2007 Explosion prevention and protection in underground mines - Equipment and protective systems for firedamp drainage |
EN 14986:2007 Design of fans working in potentially explosive atmospheres |
EN 14994:2007 Gas explosion venting protective systems |
EN 15089:2009 Explosion isolation systems |
EN 15188:2007 Determination of the spontaneous ignition behaviour of dust accumulations |
EN 15198:2007 Methodology for the risk assessment of non-electrical equipment and components for intended use in potentially explosive atmospheres |
EN 15233:2007 Methodology for functional safety assessment of protective systems for potentially explosive atmospheres |
EN 15268:2008 Petrol filling stations - Safety requirements for the construction of submersible pump assemblies |
EN 15794:2009 Determination of explosion points of flammable liquids |
EN 15967:2011 Determination of maximum explosion pressure and the maximum rate of pressure rise of gases and vapours |
EN 16009:2011 Flameless explosion venting devices |
EN 16020:2011 Explosion diverters |
EN ISO 16852:2010 Flame arresters - Performance requirements, test methods and limits for use (ISO 16852:2008, including Cor 1:2008 and Cor 2:2009) |
EN 50050:2006 Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres - Electrostatic hand-held spraying equipment |
EN 50050-1:2013 Electrostatic hand-held spraying equipment - Safety requirements - Part 1: Hand-held spraying equipment for ignitable liquid coating materials |
EN 50050-2:2013 Electrostatic hand-held spraying equipment - Safety requirements - Part 2: Hand-held spraying equipment for ignitable coating powder |
EN 50050-3:2013 Electrostatic hand-held spraying equipment - Safety requirements - Part 3: Hand-held spraying equipment for ignitable flock |
EN 50104:2010 Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of oxygen - Performance requirements and test methods |
EN 50176:2009 Stationary electrostatic application equipment for ignitable liquid coating material - Safety requirements |
EN 50177:2009 Stationary electrostatic application equipment for ignitable coating powders - Safety requirements |
EN 50177:2009/A1:2012 |
EN 50223:2010 Stationary electrostatic application equipment for ignitable flock material - Safety requirements |
EN 50271:2010 Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of combustible gases, toxic gases or oxygen - Requirements and tests for apparatus using software and/or digital technologies |
EN 50281-2-1:1998 Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust - Part 2-1: Test methods - Methods for determining the minimum ignition temperatures of dust |
EN 50281-2-1:1998/AC:1999 |
EN 50303:2000 Group I, Category M1 equipment intended to remain functional in atmospheres endangered by firedamp and/or coal dust |
EN 50381:2004 Transportable ventilated rooms with or without an internal source of release |
EN 50381:2004/AC:2005 |
EN 50495:2010 Safety devices required for the safe functioning of equipment with respect to explosion risks |
EN 60079-0:2009 Explosive atmospheres - Part 0: Equipment - General requirements IEC 60079-0:2007 |
EN 60079-0:2012 Explosive atmospheres - Part 0: Equipment - General requirements IEC 60079-0:2011 (Modified) + IS1:2013 |
EN 60079-0:2012/A11:2013 |
EN 60079-1:2007 Explosive atmospheres - Part 1: Equipment protection by flameproof enclosures ‘d’ IEC 60079-1:2007 |
EN 60079-2:2007 Explosive atmospheres - Part 2: Equipment protection by pressurized enclosure ‘p’ IEC 60079-2:2007 |
EN 60079-5:2007 Explosive atmospheres - Part 5: Equipment protection by powder filling ‘q’ IEC 60079-5:2007 |
EN 60079-6:2007 Explosive atmospheres - Part 6: Equipment protection by oil immersion ‘o’ IEC 60079-6:2007 |
EN 60079-7:2007 Explosive atmospheres - Part 7: Equipment protection by increased safety ‘e’ IEC 60079-7:2006 |
EN 60079-11:2012 Explosive atmospheres - Part 11: Equipment protection by intrinsic safety ‘i’ IEC 60079-11:2011 |
EN 60079-15:2010 Explosive atmospheres - Part 15: Equipment protection by type of protection ‘n’ IEC 60079-15:2010 |
EN 60079-18:2009 Explosive atmospheres - Part 18: Equipment protection by encapsulation ‘m’ IEC 60079-18:2009 |
EN 60079-20-1:2010 Explosive atmospheres - Part 20-1: Material characteristics for gas and vapour classification - Test methods and data IEC 60079-20-1:2010 |
EN 60079-25:2010 Explosive atmospheres - Part 25: Intrinsically safe electrical systems IEC 60079-25:2010 |
EN 60079-25:2010/AC:2013 |
EN 60079-26:2007 Explosive atmospheres - Part 26: Equipment with equipment protection level (EPL) Ga IEC 60079-26:2006 |
EN 60079-28:2007 Explosive atmospheres - Part 28: Protection of equipment and transmission systems using optical radiation IEC 60079-28:2006 |
EN 60079-29-1:2007 Explosive atmospheres - Part 29-1: Gas detectors - Performance requirements of detectors for flammable gases IEC 60079-29-1:2007 (Modified) |
EN 60079-29-4:2010 Explosive atmospheres - Part 29-4: Gas detectors - Performance requirements of open path detectors for flammable gases IEC 60079-29-4:2009 (Modified) |
EN 60079-30-1:2007 Explosive atmospheres - Part 30-1: Electrical resistance trace heating - General and testing requirements IEC 60079-30-1:2007 |
EN 60079-31:2009 Explosive atmospheres - Part 31: Equipment dust ignition protection by enclosure ‘t’ IEC 60079-31:2008 |
EN 60079-35-1:2011 Explosive atmospheres - Part 35-1: Caplights for use in mines susceptible to firedamp - General requirements - Construction and testing in relation to the risk of explosion IEC 60079-35-1:2011 |
EN 60079-35-1:2011/AC:2011 |
EN 61241-4:2006 Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust - Part 4: Type of protection ‘pD’ IEC 61241-4:2001 |
EN ISO/IEC 80079-34:2011 Explosive atmospheres - Part 34: Application of quality systems for equipment manufacture ISO/IEC 80079-34:2011 (Modified) |